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时间:2014-08-28 14:43来源:TuZhiJiaMi企业信息安全专家 点击:
渗透测试从互联网找到了入侵内网的入口点之后剩下的就内网渗透测试了。 有人说到了内网还不容易,随便拿个hscan一抓一大把弱口令。我同意这个看法,但是在我看来,内网环境复杂得多,









  bug : linux下的语法有些报错、linux下的ip存活判断有些问题













  #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: cp936 -*- #coding:utf-8 import os import getpass import time import socket import re '''''for portscan''' from threading import Thread from Queue import Queue import platform import types from subprocess import Popen, PIPE '''''for dns''' import struct import sys class InScaner: def __init__(self,domain): self.NUM = 200 self._re_IP = r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+' self._re_startwithIP = r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*' self._re_network = r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+' self.re_ip = re.compile(self._re_IP) self.re_startwithIP = re.compile(self._re_startwithIP) self.re_network = re.compile(self._re_network) self.host_ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) self.domain = domain self.path=os.getcwd() self.host_hostname = ''#os.popen('hostname').read() self.host_id = ''#os.popen('id').read() self.host_userlist=[] self.host_useronline='' self.host_last='' self.host_systemId = ''#os.popen('uname -a').read() self.host_systemversion = '' self.host_shadow = '' self.host_issue = '' self.host_bash_history = [] self.host_services = '' #未进行识别 self.host_ESTABLISHEDlink = '' self.host_hackCmd = [] self.host_complie = [] self.dns=[] #self.dns=[''] self.etc_hosts=[] self.ifconfig='' self.arp='' self.route='' self.inerwww='' self.internetout='' self.keyip=[] self.keyipmaybe=[] self.networkmaybe=[] = []#格式 self.q = Queue() self.s = Queue() self.networkIPlistA = [] self.portlist = [21,22,23,25,80,81,443,1433,1521,3306,3398,5800,5900,5901,5902,6379,7001,7002,7070,8080,8081,8181,8888,9090,9200,27017,28018] self.networkIP_portOpen={} self.networkIP_weakPass={} def HostInfoGet(self): print '###################Get localhost information####################' print '#####localhost IP####' print self.host_ip+'\n' _hostcmdList = [ 'hostname',#主机名 'id', #用户id ''''' cat /etc/passwd|grep -v nologin|grep -v halt|grep -v shutdown|awk -F":" '{ print $1"|"$3"|"$4}' ''', 'w', 'last', 'uname -a', 'cat /etc/issue', ] print '#####Get hostname#####' self.host_hostname = os.popen(_hostcmdList[0]).read() print self.host_hostname print '#####Get current user#####' self.host_id = os.popen(_hostcmdList[1]).read() print self.host_id print '#####Get users informaintion#####' userlist = os.popen(_hostcmdList[2]).read() self.host_userlist = userlist.split('\n') print userlist print '#####Get online users list#####' self.host_useronline = os.popen(_hostcmdList[3]).read() print self.host_useronline print '#####Get users login history#####' self.host_last = os.popen(_hostcmdList[4]).read() print self.host_last print '#####Get linux kernel version#####' self.host_systemId = os.popen(_hostcmdList[5]).read() print self.host_systemId print '#####Get linux press version#####' self.host_systemversion = os.popen(_hostcmdList[6]).read() print self.host_systemversion print '#####Get import local files#####' _hostfileList = [ 'cat /etc/shadow', 'cat ~/.bash_history', 'cat /root/.bash_history' ] print '#####Get shadow#####' self.host_shadow = os.popen(_hostfileList[0]).read() print self.host_shadow print '#####Get bash_history#####' self.host_bash_history.append(os.popen(_hostfileList[1]).read()) self.host_bash_history.append(os.popen(_hostfileList[2]).read()) print '###Get too much###' _servicecmdlist = [ 'netstat -antlp', ''''' netstat -antlp | grep 'ESTABLISHED' ''' ] print '#####Get system services and listening Port#####' self.host_services = os.popen(_servicecmdlist[0]).read() print self.host_services print '#####Get network ESTABLISHED#####' self.host_ESTABLISHEDlink = os.popen(_servicecmdlist[1]).read() print self.host_ESTABLISHEDlink print '#####Get cmd can be used#####' _host_hackSoft = [ 'nmap', 'nc', 'netcat', 'wget', 'tcpdump', 'wireshark', 'rpm', 'yum', 'apt-get', 'ftp', 'ssh', 'telnet', 'scp', 'nslookup' ] for cmd in _host_hackSoft: typecmd = 'type '+cmd+' >/dev/null' try: out = os.system(typecmd) if 0 == out: self.host_hackCmd.append(cmd) print '%s is ok' % cmd except: print '%s is unused' % cmd print '###################Get localhost information finished####################\n' def mgFileGet(self): print '##########获取口令密码文件中。。。。。。##########' print 'PHP' print 'tomcat' print 'apache' print 'struts' print 'jboss' print 'weblogic' print 'ftp' print 'ssh' print 'vnc' print 'mysql' print 'oracle' print 'search' pass def NetworkInfoGet(self): print '####################Get network information####################' _netfileListCat = [ 'cat /etc/hosts', 'cat /etc/resolv.conf', ] print '######Get DNS server IP#####' self.dns = self.re_ip.findall(os.popen(_netfileListCat[1]).read()) for dns in self.dns: print dns print '#####Get /etc/hosts list#####' hosts = os.popen(_netfileListCat[0]).read().split('\n') for host in hosts: #print host _host=self.re_startwithIP.findall(host) if _host!=[]: self.etc_hosts += _host for host in self.etc_hosts: print host _netcmdList = [ 'ifconfig -a', 'arp -a', 'route -n', 'ping %s -c 2' % self.domain, 'ping -c 2' ] print '#####Get localhost ip and interface information#####' self.ifconfig = os.popen(_netcmdList[0]).read() print self.ifconfig print '#####Get arp list#####' self.arp = os.popen(_netcmdList[1]).read() print self.arp print '#####Get route information#####' self.route = os.popen(_netcmdList[2]).read() print self.route print '#####Get innerDNSresolve test#####' self.inerwww = os.popen(_netcmdList[3]).read() print self.inerwww print '#####Can search the Internet or not#####' self.internetout = os.popen(_netcmdList[4]).read() print self.internetout print '#####DNS test#####' if self.dns == []: print 'sorry,we have no the dns ip' else: for dnsip in self.dns: print '###dns %s results###' % dnsip try: self.GetDomainList(dnsip,self.domain) except: print '##dns test failed##' #获取DNS域传送信息 print '#####Network exist#####' #先收集所有结果中的IP地址,去掉排除的ip地址后,把ip地址转换为网段,之后去重,最后保存 ip = [] keyip = [] keyipmaybe =[] network = [] keynetwork = [] keynetworkmaybe = [] _ex_ip =[ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ] _iplistsearch = [ self.host_useronline, self.host_last, self.host_services, self.host_ESTABLISHEDlink, self.dns, self.etc_hosts, self.ifconfig, self.arp, self.route, self.inerwww ] _iplistsearchmaybe = [ self.host_bash_history ] for text in _iplistsearchmaybe: if type(text) == type('1'): ip+=self.__getIPinStr(text) elif type(text) == type(['1']): for text2 in text: ip+=self.__getIPinStr(text2) [keyipmaybe.append(ipnew) for ipnew in ip if ipnew not in (keyipmaybe+_ex_ip)]#ip地址处理 self.keyipmaybe = keyipmaybe #变量中的IP并去重,去无效IP ip = [] for text in _iplistsearch: if type(text) == type('1'): ip+=self.__getIPinStr(text) elif type(text) == type(['1']): for text2 in text: ip+=self.__getIPinStr(text2) [keyip.append(ipnew) for ipnew in ip if ipnew not in (keyip+_ex_ip)]#ip地址处理 #将IP地址转换为网段,并去重 self.keyip = keyip _ex_network =[ '' ] for netip in self.keyipmaybe: network.append(self.__ip2network(netip)) [keynetworkmaybe.append(net) for net in network if net not in keynetworkmaybe+_ex_network] network = [] for netip in self.keyip: network.append(self.__ip2network(netip)) [keynetwork.append(net) for net in network if net not in keynetwork+_ex_network] #筛选出私有IP地址 _privatNet = [ '172', '192', '10' ] print "network may exist:" for net in keynetworkmaybe: netsplit = net.split('.') if netsplit[0] in _privatNet: print net self.networkmaybe.append(net) print "network exists ensure:" for net in keynetwork: netsplit = net.split('.') if netsplit[0] in _privatNet: print net def __ip2network(self,ip): return self.re_network.findall(ip)[0]+'.0' def __getIPinStr(self,string): ip = self.re_ip.findall(string) return ip __LEN_QUERY = 0 # Length of Query String def __gen_query(self,domain): import random TRANS_ID = random.randint(1, 65535) # random ID FLAGS = 0; QDCOUNT = 1; ANCOUNT = 0; NSCOUNT = 0; ARCOUNT = 0 data = struct.pack( '!HHHHHH', TRANS_ID, FLAGS,QDCOUNT, ANCOUNT, NSCOUNT, ARCOUNT ) query = '' for label in domain.strip().split('.'): query += struct.pack('!B', len(label)) + label.lower() query += '\x00' # end of domain name data += query global __LEN_QUERY __LEN_QUERY = len(query) # length of query section q_type = 252 # Type AXFR = 252 q_class = 1 # CLASS IN data += struct.pack('!HH', q_type, q_class) data = struct.pack('!H', len(data) ) + data # first 2 bytes should be length return data __OFFvSET = 0 # Response Data offset __TYPES = {1: 'A', 2: 'NS', 5: 'CNAME', 6: 'SOA', 12: 'PTR', 15: 'MX', 16: 'TXT', 28: 'AAAA', 38: 'A6', 99: 'SPF',} def __decode(self,response): RCODE = struct.unpack('!H',response[2:4])[0] & 0b00001111 if RCODE != 0: print 'Transfer Failed. %>_

